About CCO Oregon

At CCO Oregon, we stand as a powerful statewide force, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) member association. Our mission is clear: we bring together an assembly of experts to propel innovation and drive systemic change within coordinated care.

Our members advocate for and develop strategies that work toward a model of care that integrates physical, behavioral, and oral health in the clinical setting and acknowledges how much of our health is impacted by factors outside of the clinic, the social determinants of health or health-related social needs. Further, the model leverages the relationship between health care provider and payer to optimize quality care, lower costs, improve outcomes, and maintain a sustainable workforce that is patient-centered and culturally responsive. CCO Oregon launched as a membership association in 2012 and has been advocating for the coordinated care model ever since.

Beyond Labels

Don’t be misled by the name. In Oregon, coordinated care is often likened to a hub-and-spokes model, and at CCO Oregon, we convene both the central hubs and the essential spokes. Our community comprises coordinated care experts hailing from organizations across the state. We’re not just sparking ideas; we’re engineering the blueprints for action. These are innovators who think ahead, explore cutting-edge solutions, and drive transformative change.

Strength in Diversity

One of CCO Oregon’s undeniable strengths is the diversity of our membership. We unite a vast array of provider types, community-based partners, payers, hospitals, clinics, associations, and coordinated care organizations. Our members serve across state borders, spanning Medicaid and non-Medicaid markets, and reaching rural, urban, and frontier communities. Many of them carry decades of experience in this noble endeavor.


Our vision at CCO Oregon is a future with lower costs, increased access to quality care and health-related social needs, improved outcomes, and a sustainable workforce across the delivery system through the widespread implementation of the coordinated care model.


CCO Oregon convenes payers, providers, and other care delivery partners to identify and advance evidence-based, stakeholder-driven strategies that support coordinated care and health transformation.

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Our members
What we do
Annual conference
Board of Directors
Meet the Executive Director
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